This is my fourth design for the Open Source community and my first for Open Web Design. It is a simple, clean, two column layout with pre-styled elements.
About the design
The doctype is xhtml 1.0 transitional, and has pre-styled elements such as the blockquote below, H1 tags and a (very simple) styled list in the right hand column.
A chunk of text, block quoted, so you can see a preview of what it would look like if you wanted to emphasize a chunk or a pragraph of text and make it more obvious and appealing.
About Me.
I'm a twenty-three year old Web developer from the UK, I have a very simple, clean style and I code all my designs so they are as compatible as possible. All my designs are Xhtml and CSS Valid. Check the CSS and Xhtml.
You are free to use this design for any purpose you wish. I do appreciate a link back to either my personal and / or company Web sites ( and NOWdesign respectively). Its not mandatory, but it would be appreciated. Don't forget to link back to Open Web Design either! If you feel like it, go to my personal site and feel free to buy me a drink with a PayPal donation - Thanks!