The Site

We use many different programs and coding technologies when preparing sites for the big launch, some of the programming and coding languages we use are;

Some of our favourite programs we use for coding and designing include the following;

  • Dreamweaver
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • FireWorks
  • NotePad!

The Web Design Process - Design & Coding

The design of the site is extremely important. The entire image of the site should reflect the company in its best light to ensure the best first impression to the potential client who visits it.


The way the entire site works is also taken into account, how will people navigate round the site? How will images affect the user? How will the products be displayed? All these factors and many more are taken into account to ensure the Web site works for you and your potential clients as best as possible.


The Process;

Initial Contact

Planning, First Steps

Coding & Designing

Site Launch